Dr. Shilpi Sharma, Dr. Richa Sharma, Dr. Kalyani P Nishane and Dr. Himanshu Singh
Nearly 10 million people in India alone are suffering of Vicharchika i.e., Eczema. Globally all races suffer from this disease. In the Indian context it is particularly a major cause of concern among masses because of the social stigma attached with this disease. This disease may cause depression among masses. Vicharchika falls under the category of Kustha Roga. Rasmanikya, prepared from hartal (As2S3) has been described as Kusthaghna for the treatment of Vicharchika in various classics of Ayurveda. Seeing the plight of people this topic entitled "A Pharmaceutico-clinical Study of Rasamanikya w. s. r. to Vicharchika (Eczema)" has been undertaken for the present study.
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